TCBU Extra - Dr. David Kohl and Eric Snodgrass - 2020 Ag & Beyond Virtual Workshop: Weather and Economics Outlook: Actions for Success
Follow the link above to watch the replay, and access the course handouts.
Date: December 8 (9:00 AM-12:00PM)
At the Pleasanton Community Center - or - Attend Virtually
Presented By Town & Country Bank
Spaces Are Limited - RSVP to Liz at 800-481-3225 by 12/4/2020
Two of the most popular speakers on the agricultural circuit who have often presented together in face-to-face meetings will come to you virtually from Cyberville. Dr. Dave will present the latest information on global trade, government payments, supply and marketing chain disrupters, as well as the U.S. and global recession during the pandemic. Eric will provide his latest update on weather trends in the U.S. and abroad that impact the bottom-line of your agricultural business. Along the way, both will provide tips, techniques and take-aways that can be implemented in your business, family, and personal lives.

Eric Snodgrass is the Principal Atmospheric Scientist for Nutrien Ag Solutions, where he develops predictive, analytical software solutions to manage weather risk for global production agriculture. He provides frequent weather updates that focus on how high-impact weather events influence global agriculture productivity. He presents his research as a featured speaker at over 50 conferences annually where he provides logistical guidance and solutions to weather sensitive financial institutions, farmers, commodity traders, and other stakeholders.